Business is a Sacred Spiritual Act, and Should Be Treated As Such

by candy barone Sep 11, 2024

What if business was not just about profit, but a sacred act of service? 

In a world driven by bottom lines and materialism, we’ve lost sight of the spiritual essence of doing business. 

While I realize we live in a world where most companies care more about the bottom line than they do the actual people that work for them, I...

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Whitney Said It Best: "I Believe the Children ARE the Future"

by candy barone Aug 20, 2024

I’ve recently found myself reflecting on one of my favorite songs: The Greatest Love of All by the legendary Whitney Houston.

You see, last week, I had this incredible opportunity to do a Human Design reading with a truly enlightened 17-year old.

He is an author.

And, he truly blew my mind …

I was taken aback a little, as...

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How Using Human Design Helps You Tap Into Your Inner Care Bear

by candy barone Aug 15, 2024

One of my favorite cartoons growing up in the 80’s was a show I would argue was way ahead of its time. Not so much for the visual effects, but the premise and meaning of what it represented.

That cartoon was the Care Bears. 

Let’s explore why I feel this cartoon was so revolutionary …

The Magic and Brilliance of...

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The Rise of Integrity, Hope, and the Embodiment of Our Own Sovereignty

by candy barone Aug 10, 2024

In a world that often seems chaotic and divided, there’s an undercurrent of change brewing right now, ready to break through, beneath the surface. 

It’s a shift so profound, yet so subtle, that many might miss it if they’re not paying attention. But for those of us who are tuned in, who are listening with our hearts...

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The Alphabet Soup of Human Design: A Simple Way to Better Understand the "Flavors" of Each Line

by candy barone Jul 11, 2024

When it comes to Human Design, let’s face it … there’s no shortage of information. You can start down one path and finds yourself going to a never-ending quest of various rabbit holes, one after another. 

In doing this work now over the last six years, I am no rookie when it comes to rabbit-hole diving in the...

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A Century of Progress: From My Great-Grandmother's Legacy to the Cubs' First All-Female Broadcast

by candy barone Jul 09, 2024

This past Sunday, July 7th, a notable mark in sports history (or should I say … her-story) was made as the Chicago Cubs had their first-ever, all-female live broadcast.

“Why is this significant?” you might ask.

Baseball Is in My Blood

Well, as the great-granddaughter of the first woman to ever own an MLB team, this...

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Shine Baby, Shine: Even If the Brightness of Your Light Blinds Them

by candy barone Jun 22, 2024

Ever been told to “dial it down” or to “bring it down a notch”?

Or, worse … that you were “too much”?

I grew up hearing these phrases and more. From the time I could speak, I was given a consistent message that I was “too much” and, that, somehow, I seriously needed to dial it all...

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Ducks in a Row … Please, Mine Aren't Even in the Same Pond, and I Think One Might Be a Flamingo

by candy barone Jun 21, 2024

We live under the notion that somehow we need to get all our ducks in a row before we can take massive action. 

I’m curious, what ducks?

The idea of waiting until everything is just so … or, that somehow I have to wrangle in these ducks and get them all in a row … sounds like a lot of work, and a pathway for...

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Rewriting the Narrative: Giving Your Pain Purpose

by candy barone Jun 19, 2024

I used to think that sharing my pain made me a victim. From an early age, I protected myself and shielding the challenges away from others. 

Regardless of the turmoil often going on at home, the emotional, mental, and at times physical abuse at from my father, or when I felt lost, alone and as if the world was against me.

I kept in all...

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Trust Me … I Will Always Choose the Bear

by candy barone Jun 17, 2024

So, recently there was a question posed on social media that went viral: 

“Would you rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear?”

The responses nearly broke the internet, as men were in an uproar to realize that for most women their answer would be emphatically: the bear.

I have to say, in light of recent events and...

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Learn how to masterfully navigate your chart with ease, make sense of the fundamentals, and simplify how to use your chart as a powerful resource in your life and business.
Decode Your Design Launches in October 2023