Gate 13 carries a storytelling energy of listening, collecting stories and experiences, and retelling those stories back.
It also carries with it the energy for forgiveness.
Gate 13 Overview
The born listener, those with Gate 13 defined have the innate ability to listen deeply with empathy and hold sacred space for others to share their stories. People trust you to be a safe sounding board for them.
Likely, you will be someone anoited to be the keeper of secrets, as others will feel comfortable to share their most vulnerable experiences and stories with you.
You magnetize an energy out that lets people know that you will take care of the darkest and deepest secrets.
You role is that of an archivist, one who collects stories, memories, and experiences as artifacts. You hold this role both for yourself and for others.
Then, you retell stories and folklore steeped in tradition and old ways through your own stories. You also offer the energy of forgiveness through retelling those stories to provide opportunities to rewrite the narrative we tell ourselves, including the narrative you hold for yourself.
Yours is a balance between listening with empathy while holding the frequency of forgiveness. It is in the combined energy that you create sacred spaces for others to share.
Gate 13 represents a drive to witness life, collect stories and artifacts, and to be a silent observer and witness.
Gate 13: Definition, Energy + Keywords
Understanding the core components of the energy within this gate, along with the magnetic keywords help us to harness the magic that lies within.
- Traditional Human Design: The Fellowship of Man | The Listener
- Gene Keys: Discord (shadow) | Discernment (gift) | Empathy (siddhi)
- Quantum Human Design: Imagination
- I Ching: Community (T’ung Jen) — interests with others brings success right now; new communal ventures supported with clarity / strength
- Image (I Ching): Fire/Heaven (fire strives toward Heaven; Sun gives life)
- Archetypal Name: The Sounding Board | The Listener
- Location: G/Identity Center (Channel 13–33: Channel of the Prodigal)
- Astrological Sign: Aquarius
- Keywords: listening with empathy for understanding; holding space; keeper of secrets; forgiveness; empathy; sounding board; attentive; storyteller; receptive
- Alignment Cue: receptive
- Out-of-Alignment Cue: closed

Location of Gate 13 in your Human Design Chart
Because this gate lives in the G/Identity Center, this is a frequency steep in love. Through telling and retelling of share stories, you are about to calibrate the Heart and offer the energy of forgiveness, where needed.
The gate also lives in the Magnetic Monopole. Thus, when you are aligned in the energy and theme Gate 13 offers, you also magnetize your ability to attract and hold greater abundance and opportunities.
When you hold sacred space through the energy of love, you draw those to you who need their stories to be heard, and those who need guidance in how to offer forgiveness to themselves and others.
It also asks that you explore forgiveness for yourself … what or who do you need to forgive, including yourself?
Shadow & Gift Expressions of Gate 13
The shadow side of Gate 13 carries with it being the dumping ground for everyone’s sorrows and sad stories, where you allow others to stay in victim consciousness and play the role of the martyr.
For it is in knowing (and healing) your own sense of self-worth that you can create energetic boundaries to stop the dumping from others. You are here to hold sacred space to be a witness, not a codependent carrier.
The other side of the shadow of this gate is your inability or unwillingness to forgive. This then leaves you pointing fingers and placing blame; thus, shrieking responsibility and personal accountable.
You then will get stuck in the energy of anger, blame, fault, justice, evening out the score, payback, bitterness, and resentment.
In addition, you may find yourself seeking out secret love affairs, sharing or blurting out others’ secrets, or that you don’t listen at all.
Forgiveness is a gift and freedom you give yourself. It’s through forgiveness that you are able to align your energy in the gift of discernment, knowing what energy to step into and who to allow to share their stories with you.
Contemplations for Gate 13
- What stories or old narratives about myself am I holding onto?
- Do these stories aligned and reflect the true essence of who I am?
- Where do I can I offer forgiveness and/or rewrite my own narrative?
- What secrets or stories am I holding for others?
- Is it time to release those stories I hold and carry?
- How, through forgiveness, can I liberate myself and others?
Key Takeaways
You have the capacity to bear witness to the stories and experiences of others through the lens of empathy, comfort, and love, when aligned.
In doing that, you are a catalyst in helping people express a new truth and rewrite outdated and old narratives.
You do this through the energy of forgiveness.
With the right level of discernment, you easily magnetize and draw to you the people who seek your wisdom and your ability to hold their secrets in safe, nurturing way.
Then, when the time is right, you help them release those stories and find pathways to reshaping and retelling their stories from a more expansive, enlightened, and empowered way.
How you tell the story of yourself plays a crucial role in activating the right tone and the direction of your life. As you learn to tell your own powerful narrative, you offer that guidance to others as you listen to their stories.
This is an energy you not only offer as a gift to others, but also to yourself.