What happens when you find yourself listening to the same song over and over again, on repeat.
You find yourself humming that tune all day long, right?
It may even wake you up in the middle of the night, as it created an earworm you just can’t shake.
You wake up, and there it is again, like an anthem to start you day.
But, have you ever really stopped to ask yourself: “What am I listening to?”
We live our lives in this kind of hazy, half-asleep, go through the motions, not really dialed in, state of “being-ness”.
When, in actuality, we are simply meandering and existing day-to-day in our lives without truly living our life.
I often joke that I am not sure why we are so afraid of being taken over by a zombie apocalypse … when, aren’t we living it now?
We play the same song day after day, after day.
What Are You Tuned Into, Really?
A chaotic cacophony of rhetoric, hate, and senseless pandering is at all time high. For this isn’t like any moment we’ve ever experienced before in our lifetimes. To say it’s unprecedented is an understatement.
There is a storm brewing, and one that is burning down old systems and ushering us into a new era, a new way of being, and higher consciousness.
Now, that doesn’t mean that shift is coming easy.
As you can clearly see at every turn, the collective world is putting up one heck of a fight before moving into our next evolution of humanity.
Everything is being burned down to the ground. And, in some ways, this is actually necessary. What’s not necessary is the way in which we are stoking the flames for what needs to burn away.
There is just so much noise, and vitriol, fanning the flames.
I’ve been finding myself needing to pull away, to go deep into my own inner peace, where I can allow the whisper of truth to guide me.
For, right now, it feels like the whisper is all that cuts through the amplified pandemonium and tumultuous uproar of everything we know ending.
I have found myself getting sucked into the narrative steeped in lack, scarcity, and fear otherwise. And, I am watching the world do the same.
It has cost me my own well-being at times.
At the start of the new year, I found myself physically paralyzed, as both my lower back seized up on me three times and then my right knee gave way. It was only in doing some deep energy work and reiki that I was able to clear out my own anger, resentment, and “rage against the machine.”
I realize all too quickly how I needed to shift my own state in order to be of service to others. To be able to lead in midst of chaos and uncertainty.
The Effects of the “Music” Playing on Repeat
During this time of unexpected paralysis and energy being stored in my own body, I did what I always do … I tapped back into my teachers, my spiritual guides and mentors to reclaim a sense of truth and knowing.
Over the course of January (and, in some cases re-read) six books. Several were of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s teachings. In fact, I even watched his movie, The Shift, five times in a mere week.
I was searching, seeking, and intent of finding my way back to myself, and to lift myself out of the funk and noise that had taken me under.
I slowed myself down.
I read, then I contemplated. I quieted my mind and body down. I leaned into my own spiritual practices, and I created spaciousness to be still.
There was a particular analogy that really hit in Wayne Dyer’s book, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, that I found myself really siting with:
“You cannot tune into an FM radio station while you have the setting on AM.”
It was like a lightning bolt of truth came crashing in. The first question I posed to myself was: “What am I really tuned into right now?”
And, the answer was resoundingly clear. I was tuned into fear.
I had allowed myself to get sucked into the news and social media. I took in all of what I was witnessing and let it get stuck in my body, in my mind.
The energy of fear, anger, disappointment, confusion, and rage took over. For I had my own radio station set to the wrong dial. I had it set to AM.
Albert Einstein’s words and truth washed over me:
“You cannot solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created it.”
Now, I get that you may not understand the analogy here, especially if you are younger than the Gen X generation.
I mean, do people even use radios anymore.
The point is this: we have a choice as to what we tune into, what we filter in, and what we listen to and absorb.
Let’s face it, there is no shortage of static and noise out in the ethers these days. The noise is actually deafening and supercharged.
Like a radio station, we can change the channel if the music no longer sounds good. We can change the entire vibe of what we listen to.
Changing the Station
The challenges lies in being able to recognize you have a continuous loop playing in the background, over and over again on repeat.
Only when you recognize there is noise, and you slow down enough to really listen to what’s being played, can you effectively turn the channel.
And, music can be tricky … it may sound good on the surface, and even have a catchy tune or melody you can sing along with, but the words and energy can sneak up on you.
A subliminal tactic that sucks you in to a seductive lull.
I know this to be true as I have sat with songs I used to love, and which created an earworm or brain tattoo for my mind. I would belt these tunes out loud with energy and gusto, only to be shocked when I really listened.
What was I actually singing? What was that word I just sang at the top of my lungs with all the energy and enthusiasm I could muster?
Is that really what I mean? Do I really believe that?
The answer more times than not was a powerful, and off-putting, “no.”
Truthfully, it has been more like a “hell, no!”
The words, when I paused enough to really lean in and listen to the message, was completely out of alignment and integrity with my own values: whether it was a song about lack, fear, or the degradation of another human (particularly women).
I wanted out. I no longer want to be tuned into those stations.
So, I intentionally found inspiring and uplifting music. I started listening more to instrumental music, beautiful pieces that fill my soul.
I found spiritually grounded and expansive music that gave me a new set of language to roll around in my mind: one of abundance, love, and light.
I have a few different playlists I will play as I get ready or when I drive in my car (if I turn something on, often times I prefer the quiet).
And, I belt these new tunes out, creating a more powerful and intentional vibration. New language fills my body and my mind.
Language that is truly aligned with what I believe, and what I know to be the pathway forward. It is only through the energy, words, and emotions of love that we can rise our frequency to meet the new era coming in.
What Lies Ahead
The turbulence of this year is only just beginning.
We are undergoing a massive shift right now, where we have one foot rooted in the old ways and systems, and one foot starting to lay the foundation for the what will be built in the new.
Which means we are going to experience things we’ve never experienced in our lifetimes on this earth.
We are in what I will refer to as the “wobble”.
The energy is teetering, unsettled, and a bit volatile. Like that of a wobble board, we can feel some drastic swings and lose our footing underneath us.
Therefore, we need to learn to stabilize: that of our own energy, mindset, and way we approach the uncertainty, and that of how we connect, gather, collaborate, disrupt, and innovate together.
What we tune into during this time matters, creating our perceived reality.
We can continue to make it harder by staying in lack and fear, allowing our anger and rage to take us out, as we keep our dial set to AM.
This tuning will offer us even greater resistance as get sucked into a narrative that pulls us from our own sovereignty and power.
When we do this, we fight and push against that which needs to be burned down. We forget who we truly are and allow the illusion to suffocate us.
Instead, we have the opportunity to choose differently. To turn the dial.
Rather than letting the AM static play in the background by default, we can shift the channel to FM, where we intentionally choose the music.
We can rise above and choose love.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (one of my long standing mentors) said: “Knowledge is the antidote to fear.” — When we seek knowledge, starting with own truth, we are equipped to rise above the noise and chaos.
Knowledge is not what you take in from social media self-procalimed “guru” or even from well-established news outlets.
Real knowledge comes in going within and listening to the whisper of God.
We have built in us an internal tuning system, a compass that calibrates due north in alignment with higher values and principles.
In order to tap into that knowing, we must quiet our own minds and tune out the external commotion to ground ourselves back to truth.
It also means letting your ego die.
For it’s our mighty egos that have us believing we are separate from one another, that this illusion is real, and somehow it’s a “power over” game.
The truth is we are sovereign beings and a perfect extension of God’s Love.
When we remember that, who we fundamentally are, this notion of separation and division goes away. And, so does the noise.
But, in order to call that in, we must change the station. We must shut off the AM static once and for all, and tune into a higher FM frequency.
Honestly, some days we need to turn the radio off entirely.
Spaciousness for Stillness
The real music for us to tune into lives within our hearts. For each of us has a whisper that calls to us, a song really that wants to be sung.
Yet, we struggle to get quiet enough to really listen.
Instead, we insist on having noise around us … any noise is better than being alone with our own mind and emotions.
At least that’s the story we tell ourselves.
There is an immense amount of fear we hold in being still. I know I personally struggle (and often resist) meditating and quieting down all the thoughts racing around in my mind.
The ego puts up one hell of a fight.
It knows that when we allow ourselves space for stillness, to quiet down and listen to the whisper of truth, that it then has no control.
Again, to quote Wayne Dyer: “ego means to edge God out.”
The ego knows it’s not needed when we tune our station to one of a Godly or spiritual nature … when we remember who we are.
The facade of the external world is alluring.
The illusion, however, is just that … an illusion. A function of the matrix drawing us into a compelling, albeit false, narrative about who we are.
Our power lies in recognizing where we are plugged into the matrix, and remembering we can unplug ourselves at any time.
Again, by changing the frequency of what we choose to focus our attention on, we reclaim our own sovereignty and power.
Our Role in The New Era
As we move into the next evolution of humanity and consciousness, our collective role is to bring ourselves back into integrity and a place of oneness. This isn’t just abstract philosophy … it’s practical daily choice.
When we lead ourselves and reclaim sovereignty over our own energy, we give others permission to do the same.
The shift doesn’t require resistance or conflict.
It requires conscious tuning.
Even in our darkest moments, love helps us find the light.
When enough people remember that love and bring their light forward, the darkness naturally dissipates and dissolves.
Becoming Light Bearers
Remember the Care Bears? They weren’t just cute cartoon characters.
They represented something profound (and were far ahead of their time): individuals coming together, each with their unique gifts, to amplify light when confronted with darkness.
Imagine, for a moment, with me the dawning of a new era.
I envision a new wave of Care Bears, each with their unique piece of the Cosmic Puzzle, coming together to activate and amplify their light to overcome the illusion of fear and hate.
The “Care Bear Stare” then illuminating a new pathway forward: one of hope, enlightenment, personal sovereignty, peace, and love.
Today, I invite you to become a light bearer. To intentionally:
- Audit what you’re tuned into: assess your media consumption, social feeds, music playlists, and daily conversations.
- Create silent spaces: set aside 5–10 minutes daily where you tune out everything external and open up space for stillness.
- Choose your station consciously: actively select uplifting content, conversations, and influences that feed your soul.
- Amplify what resonates with truth: share and create content that lifts rather than divides. that resonates with the frequency of love.
This is your call to intentionally tune your station to one of light, even when — especially when — it challenges you. It’s time for the light warriors, visionary leaders, and change makers to step into greater courage.
For courage isn’t just feeling brave … it’s choosing love when fear feels easier. It’s turning the dial when everyone else is still listening to static.
What station will you choose today?