So, How's Your Hustle?

you empowered strong Mar 25, 2017

So, I'm curious ... how's your hustle working? What are the things you have to do every day, every week in order to stay in the game?

Have you ever wondered what you are hustling for? And, are you even hustling for the right thing? So, many times we get so caught up in the momentum, and the day-to-day grind, and being busy for the sake of being busy, that we forget to hit the pause to check in and make sure all the work we are doing really is with purpose.

Check out Candy's YouTube Video

We have developed a culture of wind-and-grind, burn-and-churn, no-pain-no-gain, and being busy just to be busy. We are creating more work for ourselves and getting further and further away from living a life with great meaning, purpose, passion and intention.

My question to you: Are you playing full out at your highest and best level? Or, do you find yourself going through motions each day, only to be exhausted by the time the day ends? What if it didn't have to be that way?

What if ... you could having a more vibrant, energizing and impactful life. And, what if you could do that simply by changing your hustle? My hustle, you might ask ... YES, your hustle!

OK, so in order to start working your hustle, the right hustle ... one that is going to serve you to get the life of your dreams ... then, you must first take a beat and determine your What, Why and Who.

You see your hustle is all about being really clear, being really focused, and being really disciplined and intentional about living your life on purpose; living your life on YOUR terms; and living your life as you dare to create it.

That means you got to get clear on what you are driving towards. The way to start is to really understand and get clear on your What, Why and Who. Let's hit the pause button for a moment and create space for you to figure what each of those three elements really mean:
Your WHAT: What is it that you want to create, expand, achieve, influence, affect, or impact? What is the living legacy you want to leave people in your every interaction with them (e.g., what do you want them to experience on your behalf when they engage with you)? Essentially, who are you really (without all the roles & responsibilities, and simply just from the soul essence of your being)?
Your WHY: Why does this matter to YOU? What is your compelling why that creates the burning necessity in you to show up in the world this way?
Your WHO: Who do you serve (here's a secret: it's not everyone!)? What are the characteristics, personality traits, and energy you are attracted to and that you resonated most with? Who are your peeps, your tribe?

Once you understand those elements, then you can determine your 3 big rocks for the year. What are the big swings ... those things that really are going to challenge you, push you, force you to grow? How big do you dare to dream? Is it big enough to scare you?

If you are truly honest with yourself, what do you really want in this life? What are the 3 things this year that would create AWESOME momentum for you to get closer to that dream? Are you willing to go BIG to grow even BIGGER?

Because the truth is: you can't work your hustle if you are not clear about your focus, your top priorities and the inspired action and discipline aligned to make your dreams a reality. Once you do that, then assess your calendar. Does 80% of your calendar represent the big rocks? If not, then you are not working the right hustle for you!

Think of the 80/20 rule: If your big 3 are you top priorities and most impactful pieces to move you to expanded greatness, then 80% of the time you spend should be aligned to taking inspired action on those 3 things.

This is how you create effective and powerful discipline. Also, make sure you don't forget about your rest and recharge space after, in between, and throughout your hustle. For the only way you can keep hustling is to make sure you are filling your cup back up regularly. Remember, don't forget to "put your oxygen mask on first."

So, how's your hustle really working? Are you ready to level up? Are you ready to say YES to yourself and destroy the NOISE so you can truly go BIG to grow BIGGER. Leadership is a choice, and you are the creator of your own play book. Time to get YOUR hustle on!!!

Last question: How will YOU work your hustle starting now?

Take the Say YES Quiz for your personal assessment to see how well you are working your hustle today @ For more information, please check our out newly updated website at:

As always, I am here, I am listening and I am holding you in my heart!

Sending you huge heart-to-heart hugs,
- Candy


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