$1,297.00 USD

Human Design Leadership Bundle - 3 Sessions

Awaken, Activate & Amplify Your Unique Leadership Voice:

In this bundle, you will receive three (3) 90-minute sessions, where we will identify key leadership markers, your career chart, along with your success codex within your Human Design Chart to access and amplify your natural energetic coding, superpowers + leadership love language (voice).

You will receive:

  • Access your leadership coding + language + career chart
  • Success Codex: 4 success paths (impact, growth, balance, transformation) unique to your design
  • Choose between: 1) a connection chart analysis between you and your business, team member, or  business partner; or 2) an optimal nutrition assessment to know how to best fuel for how you show up powerfully in your leadership and how you best maximize your work and impact. 

What People Are Saying:

As someone who just completed Candy Barone's Human Design Leadership Bundle, I urge you to run, not walk, to take advantage of this for you and your business, too. These sessions helped me understand soooo much more about my business, myself, and how both work together, plus so much more. In the process, she helped me feel very seen and heard! Candy is a powerhouse of HD information and application. And, when combined with her Leadership expertise, I've received next level & actionable coaching and support! After years of living life and running my business from my conditioning, I feel a freedom and assurance to run it (and live it) as I've always felt drawn to do... and to trust my instincts. Rest assured that this bundle is fully worth it. If this is a match for you, give yourself this gift of knowledge and jump in!

Candy is a passionate leader who is highly skilled at uncovering hidden potential and self imposed roadblocks. She brings her extensive background and education to the table, but in way that is easy to understand. My Human Design Foundational Reading with Candy was remarkable. The exercise gave me goosebumps and opened my eyes as she explained things about me that only I knew and about items that I could not explain well myself. It was a deep dive and a rewarding one.

Things make so much more sense now that I understand how my Human Design has helped me make decisions in the past. Having this clarity to help me make decisions in the future is going to be a game changer for myself as a leader and my team. I feel more empowered to step into my strengths and be a stronger leader - which I knew I could be but I wasn't clear on exactly how to go about it until meeting with Candy.