3 Ways to Pay Meaningful Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

by candy barone Jan 15, 2024

This past few years have been tumultuous, challenging, eye-opening, disheartening, encouraging, hope-filled, disparaging, heartbreaking, educational, and every other adjective I can think of.

In the middle of a pandemic, we also found ourselves face-to-face with the ugly truth of what systemic racism looks like in this country, and in the world....

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What We Measures Grow, But Are We Looking At the Right Metrics?

by candy barone Jan 14, 2024

What we measure grows. 

Or, as Peter F. Drucker, well-known management theory consultant and author stated: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”

Without the right metrics, you are essentially shooting in the dark. As such, it becomes difficult to know what to actually focus on, where to tweak or...

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How Using Human Design Is Getting Me Aligned AF for 2024

by candy barone Jan 13, 2024

“You’re not wired that way.”

“That’s not what alignment looks like for you.”

Those words reverberated over my brain for several days after receiving my first Human Design reading.

I couldn’t believe it. 

After all these years of hustling and killing myself, I realized that form em shoulding and...

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When the Muse Calls … Make Sure You Pay Attention and Listen

by candy barone Jan 12, 2024

I wake up so many times in the middle of the night and I have to write. I mean like the words are bursting forth and it feels like a dam is about to break. Often, it happens in the witching hour when that inspiration calls to me and urges me awake from my slumber.

Sometimes, I fight that urge, not wanting to move from the soft, warm...

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Demystifying Human Design … And, No It's Not Some Kind of Witchcraft

by candy barone Jan 11, 2024

It’s easy to villainize what we don’t understand.

Take Human Design, for instance …

Recently I received a comment on one of my posts about the foundational Human Design readings I was offering at the end of the year telling me that I was now “practicing extreme witchcraft.” I’ve had another person...

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Forget 'New Year, New You'; Instead Focus on 'True You, Aligned You'

by candy barone Jan 10, 2024

I am tired of hearing the same old adage every year on January 1st: “New Year, New You”—as if something is fundamentally wrong with the who I am now. We insist on putting all our energy on this arbitrary switch that somehow everything in our life is magically going to change. 

There also is an implication in both that...

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In Our Desperate Need to Fit In, Have We Lost Our Ever-Loving Minds?

by candy barone Jan 09, 2024

Is it just me? 

What in the what is up with the Stanley Cup Tumbler craze?

If you haven’t heard about it yet … buckle up, you’re not going to believe it. 

People have actually been trampling over each other in Target stores to acquire one of these. Again, what in the what? Why? Seriously, is this the current...

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When It Comes to the New Year, There Is No Automatic "Switch"

by candy barone Jan 08, 2024

It’s absurd to think that some arbitrary date can change everything. As if somehow we count down to midnight on December 31st … and, BAM we are a brand new person or a better version of ourselves. 

We tend to think that there is some magic switch that completely alters our current reality and changes our lives. 


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It's Not Always a Jolly Holly Holiday Season for Everyone

by candy barone Dec 13, 2023

The holidays can be tough. 

They’re not always full of joy, laughter, and happy memories, or resemble anything close to the perfect picturesque, snow-falling, carol-singing, family hugging around the tree image depicted in a Hallmark movie. 

Sometimes they’re hard, and they just plain suck. 

I know that all too well...

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Grounding Yourself During the 2023 December Mercury Retrograde

by candy barone Dec 12, 2023

Of course, as if this year hasn’t been energetic enough, we are about to close out 2023 with a final Mercury Retrograde. And, it’s coming in strong along with a New Moon in Sagittarius. The energy coming at us will be a mixed bag of tricks, and may feel contradictory on some levels. 

While some things might get a bit mixed...

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Learn how to masterfully navigate your chart with ease, make sense of the fundamentals, and simplify how to use your chart as a powerful resource in your life and business.
Decode Your Design Launches in October 2023