The 3 T's of Tithing

by candy barone Dec 01, 2021

As we are embarking upon the season of giving once again, I thought I’d take a moment to talk a little bit about the power and energy of tithing.


I know often times we hear the word tithing and it makes our body cringe. We have such notions, ideas, and programmed beliefs around what tithing is … and, in many cases, we are missing the essence of what tithing really is and can be, especially in terms of real prosperity.


For example, in many religions, tithing is seen as an obligatory “rite of passage” or expectation among parishioners. However, tithing in this sense can feel restrictive, oppressive, and let’s face it … just plain gross.


Traditionally, tithing has meant to give 10% of your interest or your wealth. Imagine if tithing could extend the meaning of interest and wealth to include all things of value in one’s life. Imagine if that which we hold to be valuable is the space where we get to tithe.


Tithing, therefore, is not an act of obligation, but rather one of opportunity.


Because when we choose to give freely, without an agenda, without any expectations, without the need to “check a box,” and without the need for attention or accolades, tithing creates and activates an entirely different energy.


Tithing is one of the most powerful ways to activate gratitude and a prosperity mindset. As Catherine Ponder shares in her brilliant book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity:


“Money is filled with the desire of life, movement, expansion and activity.
It does not like to be grasped or clutched or retrained in idleness.
Indeed, it is the active circulation of money that brings prosperity, whereas depressions and recessions are caused by miserly hoarding of money.”


Think about that for a moment … money is a “God-given medium exchange” filled with “the desire of life, movement, expansion and activity.” It wants to circulate. It needs to circulate. It is to be passed among us, flowing freely between one person to another, as a means to create, connect and contribute.


I don’t know about you, but to me, that just feels juicy, delicious and like a completely open, gracious and free way to life our lives. It feels light, expansive and enlightening.


Imagine if we recognized the portal of prosperous possibility that opens when we tithe.


Tithing, in and of itself, goes far beyond our ability to give money to others. Tithing is a function of three things, for what I like to call “The 3 Ts of Tithing.” For tithing is about time, talent and treasure … and, how we choose to share each and all at any given time.


The true meaning of tithing comes from the heart, from our soul; not from our wallets.



Our most valuable asset is our time. When we gift others with our presence and our time, we are gifting them with our deepest aspect of love and grace. This is our soul’s greatest contribution, they way we show up and connect with others.

Our gift of time can be demonstrated in various capacities.

Perhaps, we can volunteer at a local shelter, read a book to a child, visit an elderly home. Maybe we offer to cook a meal for a friend grieving or healing, offer to drive a friend somewhere, or just offer a little assistance to someone in need.




You were given a unique set of tools, passions and skills to share in this world. To offer yourself through your craft is a beautiful and powerful way to tithe. No matter where you may be in your life, there is always something you can share and give back.


As leaders and light warriors we have the opportunity to extend one hand forward and one hand back. The hand forward is to be open to receiving the gifts of others as they bestow them upon us. The hand back is to lift another as you go.




The riches that we gather in exchange for the work we do, for how we show up, or what has been bequeathed to us, is the third level (and, one most are familiar with) of tithing.


For to share our wealth is the ultimate demonstration in our belief and faith that supply is limitless, and that for everything that we put out into the world must come back to us. To know and believe that we are always supported, that we are held, and that we provided for, opens up a dimension of life that is fully freeing and connected.




Tithing is a means of demonstrating faith. No matter the reality of your circumstances, there is always something you can give. When you appreciate and activate a practice of gratitude for what you do have in your life, and set that into motion through tithing, you then also activate the power of prosperity and opening up the portals for greater wealth and abundance.


“Deliberately cultivate a habit of appreciating money, and make no excuses about your appreciation.” - Catherine Ponder, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity


So, how will you choose to tithe this giving season? How will you choose to give of yourself freely in terms of your time, talent and treasure? And, how will you continue to activate that practice going into the new year?


For, tithing is the belief and demonstration that the Universe is abundant, and that there is a never-ending supply of good and prosperity that is each and everyone’s divine birthright. We simply need to tap into that endless supply and open up the channels for all.


With love and deep reverence, Candy


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