The Juxtaposition of Being Visible: Which Fear Do You Carry and How Is It Impacting You in Using Your Voice?

by candy barone Feb 03, 2025

Ever wonder why some people naturally attract and draw people to them like moths to a flame, while others seem to be invisible?

Every notice how some people can command a room simply by their energy or the moment they open their mouths to speak?

While, on the other hand, others seems to be performers who will do just about anything to attract attention to themselves, often then inadvertently pushing people away or easily dismissing them?

It’s all a function of your wiring, your Human Design. 

Human Design is your unique map. 

It’s an energetic blueprint or operating plan from which your Soul Curriculum is outlined, along with the expression of how you are and the themes you are here to experience in this lifetime. 

We each carry a unique coding of how we are meant to show up in the world, and how we best communicate that is aligned with our greater Soul Purpose. Part of our human experience is to understand our specific path. 

We need to explore, understand, and integrate this in a way that creates alignment and brings us back home to ourselves. 

For, within our Human Design, there is a tremendous amount of insights as to “how” we are meant to be to fully express “who” we truly are. 

With that, we each have a way we are designed to use our voice. 


Awakening, Activating, and Amplifying Our Voice

For a lot of clients I work with, there is a deep fear of not being seen.

Usually, these individuals are either Projectors (one of the Human Design archetypes), or those with an open Throat Center (and/or open G/Identity Center) in their chart, or energetic blueprint.

With these configurations, they often hold a fear that no one really “sees” or “hears” them and that their words get lost or silenced.

These individuals often don’t realize that they actually need to be recognized and invited in to share their wisdom and insights. 

One of their powerful gifts is being able to mirror or play back the truth of others, or give voice to them. 

For me, I actually hold a different fear … it’s the fear of being seen.

I know that sounds a bit weird, but the truth is, there is this juxtaposition in human nature: the deep desire that someone truly sees us, and the fear of actually really being seen. 

This is the energy that takes me out the most. 

See, I have a defined Throat Center and G/Identity Center. In fact, I have a lot of definition in my Human Design chart, with only three being open. My Head, Ajna (which are wide open, no gates defined at all), along with my Will/Ego Center are undefined. 

That being said, I am not here to be invisible in any capacity. 

And, sometimes, truth be told, I really struggle with this.


The Difference Between Openness and Definition in the Centers

To get us ready to explore the differences between having openness (white) and definition (colored) in your chart, here are some questions to ponder:

  • What is your unique energy configuration?
  • How does that impact how you use your voice?
  • Do you recognize when you are out of alignment?

As we begin to further break this down, you likely will see a resonance of how you are meant to operate … and, even be able to give yourself more permission to be exactly who you are meant to be in the world.

  1. Operating from an Open or Undefined Center

Anywhere there is openness (areas that are white) in your chart you are taking in energy from the world around you and amplifying it. 

These are the areas where you absorb the energy of others and the planets as they transit. You feel these themes as amplified energy, where you can struggle to discern your energy from that of another. 

Within these open or undefined centers, you also can find yourself enmeshed in others’ stories or creating cycles of codependency. 

You might put your desires, needs, and wants on the back burner, as a result, in order to appease the desires or direction of others around you or to eliminate the feeling of conflict or resistance.

These also are the areas where you tend to be most susceptible to imposter syndrome, shoulding all over yourself, and burnout. 

Whereas, those centers you have defined (those areas colored in) you draw from a consistent source of energy from within. 

2. Living with the Energy of a Defined Center

Having a defined center (where two gates connect through a channel between two different centers), means that you draw energy from yourself. 

You not only have consistent access to this energy, it’s what you broadcast out to the world 24/7. This is why some people’s energy “walks into the room” before they do. Definitely true for me.

This energy is a natural attractor then. Think of it as the light from your own lighthouse. It’s what draws people to you and what they feel from you. 

Defined centers are where your gifts and superpowers live.

Think of it as your vibe, from where you express yourself into the world. 

It’s how you show up (whether in the shadow energy or gift energy), and it’s from where your Soul Curriculum is mapped.

Most people have a combination of both open/undefined and defined centers in their chart. In fact, I have only seen one person with all nine centers defined … talk about a vibe. 

Reflectors (another archetype in Human Design, and only 1–2% of the population) are completely open. They are the mirrors, reflecting back the energy of others to show where we are in alignment or not. 

I’m not going to go deep into that configuration here; but rather, I want to explore the nuances of having a balance of both openness and definition in your chart to help you create better alignment with your own energy.


How Does that Relate to Being Seen?

The Throat Center carries the energy for communication and manifestation. Everything in the Human Design chart tries to push through the Throat Center to be brought into form.

We translate ideas and inspiration, then give them language and express them through the throat. We also communicate our direction and purpose. 

We take our emotional frequencies from the Solar Plexus, calibrate them through the heart, and then bring them into full expression and action from the Throat Center. 

Even our fears are expressed through the Throat Center.

As such, the how then becomes very important. It’s all a function of whether your Throat Center is open or defined. If defined, then from what other center as that gives us the theme for the actual expression. 

We are seen through the energy of the Throat Center, as our voice carries with it coding that activates, attracts, and expresses our truth. 

If you are someone with an open Throat Center (and, please note, I use the terms “open” and “undefined” interchangeably), you often feel as if you aren’t being seen and that no one is listening to what you have to share. 

This can be the case for Projectors, Reflectors, and even Generators (three of the five archetypes in Human Design).

When there is a feeling of not being seen or heard, these individuals might find themselves either withdrawing completely, or acting out and putting on a “show” in order to draw attention to themselves.

These often can be children who are the “class clown” or those that cause a lot of mischief. This is a function of wanting, needing, to be seen. 

They crave the attention. Yet, in our current culture and conditioning, many have not be taught how to use their strategy and authority (the way they make correct decisions) to know when and how to use their voice. 

They feel deeply and profoundly invisible

On the contrary, those with a defined Throat Center, like myself, often crave hiding and not being so visible. 

Especially if you also carry with you the Line 2 in your Profile (again, that’s me), where you need to be alone and away from other people in order to integrate and magnetize your own aura. 

This can create a different challenge as your energy enters a space before you even speak. So, you truly have to isolate yourself and retreat in an effort to go within and not have others drawing out your energy. 

All Manifestors and Manifesting Generators carry this energy (it’s the manifesting side of their archetype), as do some Generators and Projectors.

And, don’t even think you can play the role of wallflower when going out and about … you will be seen, whether you like it or not. 

My mom used to joke that I was the only person she knew that insisted on going to the bathroom alone in public places only to emerge with three new best friends every time. 

It always baffled me, as all I did was smile and maybe say “hi.” They would then proceed to tell me their life story and talk my ear off. 

Ah, needless to say … my defined Throat Center. 

This is the essence of defined Throat Center energy, even in moments when we’re trying to stay invisible, our natural frequency draws others in, inviting them to share and connect without us having to say a word.

Add that to the other very defined, big energy in my chart (I also am an Emotional 6/2 Manifesting Generator with a ton of magnetism and power in my chart). So, the idea that I can be invisible is a pipedream. 

You can see how differently these two configurations show up in the world. When you start layering on all the other nuances in a specific chart, you begin to see deeper dimensions at play, as well. 


Honoring Your Energy + Design

One of the things I love most about Human Design is that it illuminates an individual pathway that is unique to each of us. 

There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to it. 

When you choose to explore the depth of what it has to offer, you offer yourself a means to create deeper alignment for yourself and the work you are putting into the world. It feels more meaningful and sustainable, too. 

Whether yours is the energy of the performer (open Throat Center) or as the flame for the moths (defined Throat Center), your voice is needed. 

You just need to know how to fully awaken, activate, and amplify the magic of your magnetism and share your truth and wisdom in an aligned way. 

Human Design can illuminate the pathway that is correct for you. 

And, with that, fully own your role as the entertainer and the performer, or know that as the moth, you will need time away to let your wings rest. 

Either way, you are enough and your voice is perfect!

If you are interested in accessing your unique energetic blueprint, be sure to grab your FREE Human Design chart and FREE summary report here:

If you would like to go deeper in your exploration, or give the gift of alignment to a friend, you can purchase a Human Design Reading here:


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