I used to think that something was wrong with me. You too?
As a kid, I found it extremely difficult to focus on one thing. Mind you, this was long before we started classifying everyone with ADHD. In my classes, while I was a good student, I often found myself bored or distracted.
I often felt restless, antsy, agitated, and that I needed to have multiple plates spinning or balls in the air at any given time. I liked to zig and zag, and move between lots things.
I found everything to be interesting, and that my fascination would take me down one rabbit hole after another. I had an insatiable sense of curiosity, and I was known as the “why” child (you know, I asked “why” about pretty much everything … “why this” or “why that”).
And, let me just tell you, being the “why” child didn’t score me any points. In fact, I was often told that I was being a pain in the ass, and found that teachers would labeled me as being “too inquisitive”.
My favorite saying was, “I have the attention span of a gnat.”
The truth is … I still do.
Though, every time I wanted to play in multiple spaces at once, I also would get chastised and reprimanded for not paying attention. And, I profoundly struggle with just slapping a label on and calling it ADHD.
The message of “will you just focus on one thing?” got pounded into my brain on a repeat loop, along with “can’t you just sit still?”
The reality is … no, to both.
I mean, to tell you the truth, I can’t even sit still to watch a movie or a game. I usually have a ballgame going on in the background, while working on some creative endeavor, cooking, or doing about three to five other things simultaneously … sometimes just to release a build-up of excess energy.
However back then, I didn’t realize this was even an option. I seriously thought I was broken, or damaged goods. Perhaps, you can relate?
Ever feel like people keep trying to put you in one box or another? Like there is this set way you are supposed to show up in order to be successful, otherwise something is seriously wrong with you?
I feel this way ALL the time!
No matter how hard I tried to slow myself down, or to focus on one thing at a time, or to sit still, I never seemed to be able to master any of those things. I would beat myself up for not being able to just “do the thing” … whatever that might be, and however that might show up.