Happy International Women's Day

by candy barone Mar 08, 2022
The glass ceiling is showing cracks.
Today (and every day), let's celebrate the women and men that are doing so much to improve gender equality, even though we still have a long way to go.
These stats celebrate the important roles that women play in our society, but they also help us to identify the areas for improvement and focus.
Did you know?
  • In the U.S., women represent 47% of the workforce and in 40% of families, women are the primary or sole breadwinner.
  • Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15% more likely to outperform competition.
  • Women earn more bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in the U.S. than men.
  • It has been reported that women control 70% of household spending, or $12 trillion, in developed countries around the world.Growth in women-owned businesses has outpaced the overall increase in new businesses by 1.5 times.
  • A significant gender wage gap still exists in the U.S. – in full-time workers; women earn 79% for every dollar a man earns, on average.
  • Even among new college graduates, men out-earn women by 18%. Adjusted for the disparity as a result of different fields, the gap remains at 6%.
  • Globally, women hold just 24% of senior leadership positions.
  • The U.S. lags behind the global average at 21%, compared to China where women hold 51% of senior leadership slots.
  • Women represent 45% of the S&P 500 workforce, but only 4% of the CEOs.
  • In a study of nearly 22,000 publicly traded organizations worldwide, 60% have no female board members.
What can we learn and do to promote gender equality for ourselves and our sisters?
  • If you are in a leadership role, ensure through transparent pay structures that equal pay is given for fair value, and reduce wage gaps.
  • Create a leadership program for your organization and encourage women and men to be a part of it.
  • Look for opportunities for sponsorship, mentorship, and networking with both female and male leaders.
  • Own it! Pat yourself on the back when you achieve something great.

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